Monday 6 May 2013

CIndy Needham

So my wonderful week continued and next up was Friday 4th May. I had the patiently waiting pleasure of attending the first of 2 classes with Cindy Needham from USA. Cindy's linen whole cloth quilts had us drooling with excitement. Amazing detail and intricate stitching made these beautiful often hand stitched antique creations come to life.  Linens already  heirlooms in their own right, Cindy beautifully machine stitches and enhances with very tiny micro beads. Check out her web site . We were very fortunate that she brought many of her masterpieces including the "Nun's Quilt". 
Back of  my Heirloom Wholecloth by Rabbits Patch Quilting

By the end of the day, our minds were in overtime. Unfortunately I was tagged with the "O"word (Overachiever) as I was already on to stitching by the end of the day. The photo above shows the back of my piece. You too will have to be patient to see the front. 

Below is my 12" x 12"  sampler with intricate stitching & beading stitched while I was home alone for the weekend in March. What a creative, fun weekend that was.
12 x 12 Tradition by Rabbit's Patch Quilting
This was my beginner piece. I learnt alot with this, including to remember to wash the back ground fabric before attaching to main fabrics. This was stitched on my domestic Janome machine and embellished with beads afterwards, and yes I stitched around both sides of  all the fine embroidery  & in all the cut work holes!


  1. Hi Paula

    Your beginner piece is awesome! I wish I had a piece of lace as lovely as this one to work on (if I had time to work on it, that is, lol)

  2. Hi Helen,
    Thank-you. This was a table napkin with a doiley stitched in the centre and a piece of Linen as the background. The finished size is just 12" x 12". I loved doing the stitching, after many years of matching colours, I need to remind myself to have a little contrast to highlight the machine sticthing to enhance the original embroidery and not "blend in" so much to the background. These are lovely small pieces to work on in between bigger projects.

    I have now finished the stitching on my Heirloom Linen class sample with Cindy Needham. Just have the binding & beading to do.
    An impulse internet purchase on Monday, has seen me cleaning out the workroom. And it is not a pretty sight in there! After 2 days, I am still at it, but I am starting to see the grand picture some kind of structure. A good time to sort, prioritise and de-clutter!
    Happy stitching.
